Saturday, May 2, 2009

Lavish Blessing

I've just returned from our organization's retreat in Spain (and some in Portugal) and am still wide-eyed with wonder at the blessings of God during the week.
First of all, God worked it out so that many good friends were there with me.
Brett Carl, my former youth pastor and boss
Drew and Lindsey Wilkins, best friends from college
Meg, team mate who's been in the States for 8 months
Anna, college friend who is doing similar work as myself in W. Africa
Lois, mentor and friend from Kenya
and many others! The joy of being with old friends was deep and delightful. I think I had forgotten the goodness of long-standing friendships where there is mutual understanding, love, safety, trust and FUN!
Secondly, I heard and saw the gospel lived out in the lives of the workers of our organization in a way that truly overwhelms me. The gospel preached is a beautiful thing. The gospel lived is earth-shattering, humbling, shocking and glorious. I wish I could say the name of my organization at this point so as to recognize the gospel in them but most of you already know.
Finally, dialoging with fellow workers, meeting new people and hearing how God is working around the world was exhilarating. I heard from workers in Romania, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, N. America, South Africa, France, Spain, and so many more countries! God will build His Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.
May you each be blessed lavishly.
Top: Lindsey, Drew and I in Huelva, Spain.
Bottom: Meg, Anna and I in some town in Portugal... it started with "T"

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