Friday, May 4, 2007

Dead and Alive

African praise songs often contain lists: lists of renounced sins, God’s provision, or the blessings of Heaven. One of my favorite songs from my time in Uganda is a perfect example:
“I have now forsaken the burdens of this world. Jesus is calling me. I have forsaken quarrelling, I have forsaken thievery, I have forsaken hatred, I have forsaken witchcraft, I have fornication….jealousy… prostitution… fighting… boasting… killing. Jesus is calling me.”
The song is much more beautiful in the local language (Karimojong), but you get the idea. I loved watching little shepherd boys, no more than 6 years old, singing with great enthusiasm “I have forsaken prostitution!”
These songs remind me the apostle Paul’s lists of sins we are to die to. Christianity is, thankfully, not a religion of being a better person, but a practice of dying to ourselves that we might live to Christ. Even more comforting is the truth that Christianity is not about trying as hard as we can to die to ourselves, but about recognizing that WE ARE ALREADY DEAD! If we are united with Christ, we are already dead to the old man and alive in Christ.
These truths have challenged me to question what it means for me to preach the gospel in word and deed. Somehow my words and actions are supposed to declare that I am dead to myself but alive to my Savior. An essential part of proclaiming the good news of the gospel is the message that God calls us to life through death.

Upcoming Plans:
May 30th—move back home to Suffolk, VA to spend time with my family and home church
July 1-31st—Pre-field Training in NYC
August—time with family and friends
Last week in August—Fly to Kenya to begin my 2-year term

Prayer Requests:
1. Funding: Pray that God will provide 100% of my funds by June.
2. Moving: I will be moving back home to VA at the end of May. Pray that God will bless my last weeks in Chattanooga and that He will grant me peace amidst much change.
3. Identifying: Pray that I will ground my identity in Christ.

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