Thursday, January 15, 2009

Storying the Bible

In the neighborhood where I used to live and taught microfinance there are a lot of young boys that I slowly got to know. A friend of mine had the idea of starting a soccer ministry in the neighborhood and so I began running drills and organizing matches for them. After they play, I narrate to them from the Word of God. These narrations start from the beginning and work through the Bible to the ascension of Christ. More than 75% of the members of our church here came to know Christ because of these narrations. Following is a blurb from Firm Foundations Ministry who has put out great resources for storying the Bible.

"This curriculum is set up to chronologically teach through the Bible, from Creation to Christ! The meaning of the gospel takes on new significance with the right foundation, and there will be a complete understanding of what Christ accomplished on the Cross! This curriculum was developed for missionary outreach to pagan cultures that had no foundational knowledge of Christianity. This same approach needs to be used in our western world, with apologetic teaching added to the beginning of each course to defend creation and oppose evolution. This would give a tremendous foundation for children and adults to be able to understand and defend the Scriptures in this secular age.

From the publisher

Just as a jeweler places a diamond on a black velvet background to reveal its beauty, the Gospel can only be clearly seen and appreciated when displayed against the background of the Old Testament. These carefully crafted Bible studies lay a solid foundation for the Gospel from the Old Testament. The Gospel is then presented in all its logic and beauty.

The Bible studies have been used with great success in evangelistic outreach among people from vastly different educational and cultural backgrounds.

As you teach chronologically through the Bible, your students will come to know God as He revealed Himself progressively through Scripture in His interaction with mankind. Beginning in Genesis and ending with the life of Christ, these studies produce an understanding of:

  • the nature and character of God
  • man’s sinfulness
  • God’s hand in history
  • the grace of God
  • Christ as the promised Redeemer

The Bible will come alive and will be seen as one story—His story."